Step5: Test

Click "Build" on Database Management Tool.

Then, cliek either of buttons.

" Beta" means special build target of URL by adding /beta/ before filename on URL.

After build, you can find link of Endpoint on function list page.

Endpoint exists as follows. It can be used now.

Send JSON parameter by body of POST request.
TOKEN is a security key for each project. So, keep it in secret.

There is a test form as follows. You can test with any JSON parameter here. Input JSON and push "Do Test" button to perform test.

Result will be displayed by doing test.

Sample code is displayed in same page. You can use function quickly.

By using jQuery version of Sample Code, you can read and write data without wring server code for database access.

Note: if you use jQuery version, TOKEN is visible to user. So, please secure page by any means such as password on page or cyange security.

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